On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 09:30:37PM -0700, Alex Williamson wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-12-21 at 14:32 +1100, David Gibson wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 04:41:56PM +0100, Joerg Roedel wrote:
> > > On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 11:11:25AM +1100, David Gibson wrote:
> > > > Well.. that's not where it is in Alex's code either.  The iommu layer
> > > > (to the extent that there is such a "layer") supplies the group info,
> > > > but the group management is in vfio, not the iommu layer.  With mine
> > > > it is in the driver core because the struct device seemed the logical
> > > > place for the group id.
> > > 
> > > Okay, seems we have different ideas of what the 'grouping code' is. I
> > > talked about the group enumeration code only. But group handling code is
> > > certainly important to some degree too. But before we argue about the
> > > right place of the code we should agree on the semantics such code
> > > should provide.
> > > 
> > > For me it is fine when the code is in VFIO for now, since VFIO is the
> > > only user at the moment. When more users pop up we can easily move it
> > > out to somewhere else. But the semantics influence the interface to
> > > user-space too, so it is more important now. It splits up into a number
> > > of sub problems:
> > > 
> > >   1) How userspace detects the device<->group relationship?
> > >   2) Do we want group-binding/unbinding to device drivers?
> > >   3) Group attach/detach to iommu-domains?
> > >   4) What to do with hot-added devices?
> > > 
> > > For 1) I think the current solution with the iommu_group file is fine.
> > > It is somewhat expensive for user-space to figure out the per-group
> > > device-sets, but that is a one-time effort so it doesn't really matter.
> > > Probably we can rename 'iommu_group' to 'isolation_group' or
> > > something.
> > 
> > Hrm.  Alex's group code also provides no in-kernel way to enumerate a
> > group, short of walking every device in the system.  And it provides
> > no way to attach information to a group.  It just seems foolish to me
> > to have this concept without some kind of in-kernel handle on it, and
> Who else needs to enumerate groups right now?  Who else needs to attach
> data to a group.  We seem to be caught in this loop of arguing that we
> need driver core based group management, but we don't have any plans to
> make use of it, so it just bloats the kernel for most of the users that
> don't care about it.

So, Ben and I discussed this with David Woodhouse during
linux.conf.au.  He does want to update the core iommu_ops and dma_ops
handling to be group aware, and is willing to do the work for that.
So I will be doing another spin of my isolation code as a basis for
that work of his.  So there's our other user.

> > if you're managing the in-kernel representation you might as well
> > expose it to userspace there as well.
> Unfortunately this is just the start a peeling back layers of the onion.
> We manage groups in the driver core, so the driver core should expose
> them to userspace.  The driver core exposes them to userspace, so now it
> needs to manage permissions for userspace.

That doesn't necessarily follow.  The current draft has the core group
code export character devices on which permissions are managed, but
I'm also considering options where it only exports sysfs and something
else does the character device and permissions.

>  Then we add permissions and
> now we need to provide group access, then we need a channel to an actual
> userspace device driver, zing! we add a whole API there,

And the other option I was looking add had the core providing the char
device but having it's fops get passed straight through to the binder.

> then we need
> group driver binding, then we need group device driver binding, blam!
> another API, then we need...  I don't see a clear end marker that
> doesn't continue to bloat the core and add functionality that nobody
> else needs and we don't even have plans of integrating more pervasively.
> This appears to end with 80 to 90% of the vfio core code moving into the
> driver core.

I don't agree.  Working out the right boundary isn't totally obvious,
certainly, but that doesn't mean a reasonable boundary can't be found.

> > > Regarding 2), I think providing user-space a way to unbind groups of
> > > devices from their drivers is a horrible idea.
> > 
> > Well, I'm not wed to unbinding all the drivers at once.  But what I
> > *do* think is essential is that we can atomically switch off automatic
> > driver matching for the whole group.  Without that nothing really
> > stops a driver reattaching to the things you've unbound, so you end up
> > bailing a leakey boat.
> Huh?  There is no issue with removing a device from one driver and
> attaching it to another.  This happens all the time.  If you're talking
> about hotplug, all we have to do is sit on the bus notifier chain and we
> get called when devices are added, before the driver has a chance to
> attach.  We can then force a vfio driver to attach when needed.

But what is the transition point at which you know force attaching a
vfio driver is the right thing?  My draft does that atomically with
unbinding the existing drivers.  But you have a fair point about that
causing devices to disappear surprisingly, so I think I'll change that
so that it instead becomes 3 step: first prevent new drivers
auto-binding to things in the group, then explicitly unbind existing
drivers, then grab the group for userspace access.

>  Hell,
> we can just set dev->driver to something to prevent standard driver
> probing.

> > > It makes it too easy for
> > > the user to shoot himself in the foot. For example when the user wants
> > > to assign a network card to a guest, but that card is in the same group
> > > as the GPU and the screen wents blank when the guest is started.
> > > Requiring devices to be unbound one-by-one is better because this way
> > > the user always needs to know what he is doing.
> > 
> > Ok, that's not the usage model I had in mind.  What I'm thinking here
> > is that the admin removes groups that will be used in guests from the
> > host kernel (probably via boot-time scripts).  The guests will pick
> > them up later, so that when a guest quits then restarts, we don't have
> > devices appearing transiently in the host.
> I don't think that model is dynamic enough for our existing use cases.
> A user shouldn't need to decide at boot time which devices are going to
> be used for what purpose.  It's entirely valid for a user to start up a
> VM, decide they want more network performance and reassign a NIC from
> host use to guest use.  When they shutdown the VM or hot-unplug it, they
> should be able to easily put it back to work on the host.

Well, sure, you can do that too.  But I bet you the more common usage
model for production will be to have most of the hardware assigned to
a particular guest on a long term basis.

> > > So what does this mean for point 3? I think we can implement attaching
> > > and detaching groups in the iommu-api. This interface is not exposed to
> > > userspace and can help VFIO and possible future users. Semantic is, that
> > > domain_attach_group() only works when all devices in the group are in
> > > their default domain and domain_detach_group() puts them back into the
> > > default domain.
> > 
> > The domain_{attach,detach} functions absolutely should be group based
> > not device based.  That's what it means to be a group.
> Yet we have no plans to make that change...

David Woodhouse does now.

> > > Question 4) is also solved with the default-domain concept. A hot-added
> > > device is put in the domain of its group automatically.
> > 
> > Well, of course it is.  A group can only have one domain.  That's what
> > being a group means.
> > 
> > > If the group is
> > > owned by VFIO and another driver attaches to the device dma_supported
> > > will return false and initialization will fail.
> > 
> > By the time dma_supported is checked the driver could have already
> > touched the device.  That's way too late.
> Very likely that the driver will have already interfered with config
> space.


David Gibson                    | I'll have my music baroque, and my code
david AT gibson.dropbear.id.au  | minimalist, thank you.  NOT _the_ _other_
                                | _way_ _around_!

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