This series introduces support for KVM AIA in the RISC-V architecture. The
implementation is refered to Anup's KVM AIA implementation in kvmtool
( To test these patches, a Linux kernel
with KVM AIA support is required, which can be found in the qemu_kvm_aia branch
at This kernel branch is based on the
riscv_aia_v1 branch from and includes two
additional patches.

Yong-Xuan Wang (6):
  update-linux-headers: sync-up header with Linux for KVM AIA support
  target/riscv: support the AIA device emulateion with KVM enabled
  target/riscv: check the in-kernel irqchip support
  target/riscv: Create an KVM AIA irqchip
  target/riscv: update APLIC and IMSIC to support KVM AIA
  target/riscv: select KVM AIA in riscv virt machine

 hw/intc/riscv_aplic.c     |  19 +++-
 hw/intc/riscv_imsic.c     |  16 ++-
 hw/riscv/virt.c           | 214 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 linux-headers/linux/kvm.h |   2 +
 target/riscv/kvm.c        |  96 ++++++++++++++++-
 target/riscv/kvm_riscv.h  |  36 +++++++
 6 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-)


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