On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Hugo Mercier <hugo.merc...@oslandia.com>wrote:

> And Spatialite functions handling spatial indexes can be used on them ...
> So we could imagine a VirtualQGIS virtual table driver distributed with
> QGIS ...
> Cool ! :)

Yeah it is pretty cool.  That is where I first got the idea from.

My main idea was to have a QGIS implementation of that that can sit on top
of any QGIS layer not just OGR ones.  So instead of having a backend of
OGRFeature and OGRDatasource it would use QgsDataProvider and QgsFeature.

It's pretty cool that there is a Python way to do this, will be good to
prototype something quick then port to C++ for speed.  I might have some
time tomorrow to try my hand at something basic and if it works we can
explore it further.

- Nathan
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