Hi Matteo,

IMHO better to defer this until we decide general approach for
dealing with help. See:


2016-12-20 12:31 GMT+02:00 matteo <matteo.ghe...@gmail.com>:
> Hi guys,
> I'm currently running some tests on QGIS3 - Processing and I just want
> to share my idea.
> At the moment, for almost all the core algorithms, there is a small
> lateral tab with a brief summary help.
> Help is taken (please correct me) from qgis.yaml file within the help
> folder of processing.
> IMHO, we can in some way improve the helping tab situation. My ideas are:
> * re-enabling a help tab (next to Log) where we can be more discursive
> about the algorithm leaving there the side help tab
> * IMHO, really important could be to enable the adding of images, this
> can really help a lot (think of how faster is to understand with a
> description linked to images)
> * for external algorithms (SAGA but also GDAL) it would be really useful
> to have some kind of help (SAGA) and some more descriptive help (GDAL)
> What do you think about it? Could be difficult to extend a kind of rst
> like syntax to build the helping tabs?
> Obviously I can help (a little with the code and more with testing and
> adding description)
> Thanks to all!
> Matteo
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