Hi guys,

I'm currently running some tests on QGIS3 - Processing and I just want
to share my idea.

At the moment, for almost all the core algorithms, there is a small
lateral tab with a brief summary help.
Help is taken (please correct me) from qgis.yaml file within the help
folder of processing.

IMHO, we can in some way improve the helping tab situation. My ideas are:

* re-enabling a help tab (next to Log) where we can be more discursive
about the algorithm leaving there the side help tab
* IMHO, really important could be to enable the adding of images, this
can really help a lot (think of how faster is to understand with a
description linked to images)
* for external algorithms (SAGA but also GDAL) it would be really useful
to have some kind of help (SAGA) and some more descriptive help (GDAL)

What do you think about it? Could be difficult to extend a kind of rst
like syntax to build the helping tabs?

Obviously I can help (a little with the code and more with testing and
adding description)

Thanks to all!

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