On 1 February 2017 at 19:55, Neumann, Andreas <a.neum...@carto.net> wrote:
> Hi Nyall,
> Thanks for the explanations. I should have read the explanations of the help 
> text more closely. It explains it all.
> However, there still seem to be issues. Consider the following results below. 
> First column is the result of $area, second column is area($geometry).
> Sometimes the results are very close, in other cases the difference is 
> massive. Like in the very first row. 32'087 vs 190'605'589 square meters. 
> This can't be explained with ellipsoidical vs. planimetric. In this first 
> row, the result of area($geometry) (planimetric) seems correct, while the 
> ellipsoidical result ($area) is massively wrong.
> How can this huge difference be explained?

Ok - I've looked into this. It's not an issue in 2.14 or 3.0, just 2.18.

It was most likely fixed by:
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/abc0919 "Fix area calculation of
compoundcurve rings if they contain a 2-vertex linestring"

Committed to 2.14 (with unit tests), I forward ported to 3.0, but it
hasn't been applied to 2.18. I'll do this.

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