Hi Paolo

On 2/3/19 1:39 PM, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> On 03/02/19 10:17, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
>> Marking a plugin as "unmaintained" or "deprecated" is a heavy action which 
>> may discourage developers and make even useful plugins disappear.
> deprecated yes, unmaintained not necessarily. We could just let the user
> know, perhaps suggesting a way to solve this, without removing them for
> the list of available plugins (just like the Featured tag).

Then I misunderstood the goal of this proposal, sorry.

I was imagining myself looking through a plugin list of a software of
which I am an ordinary user and seeing a plugin tagged as
"unmaintained". This would make me think it's unreliable, outdated and
unstable and hence not recommended.

What signal do you think this label should send to a user?

>> Thus if this is done in any way, I am in favor of sending several reminders 
>> to a plugin author over a time period of at least 6 months before taking any 
>> action. It then needs to be super easy for a plugin maintainer to remove 
>> this status from their plugins.
> agreed. maybe 3 months would be enough.
>> Maybe alternative approaches could also be considered to move maintained 
>> plugins to the top and make stars / votings more relevant. Or have the 
>> possibility to flag a plugin as unmaintained (like stackoverflows "needs 
>> moderator attention") where it's required to post a link to an issue which 
>> has not received an answer in a long time.
> unfortunately it seems that our users are not very interested in rating
> the plugins.
>> There are various variables which need to be balanced in this discussion 
>> like losing useful plugins, adding maintenance burden (to plugin developers 
>> and plugin maintainers), having a credible plugin ecosystem. Let's make sure 
>> we keep all of them in mind.
> sure, thanks for your thoughts. the sheer number of plugins makes the
> issue very delicate; we cannot think of managing 1k plugiins by hand, we
> need more automatic approaches.
> all the best.


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