The problem with metadata is that if you use it, you have no way to easily know 
if something (a  group of plugins) uses a platform-specific plugin.

For example, in ubuntu, I can choose:

-          Official  (secure)

-          Universe (insecure/half-legal)

-          Partner (copyrighted/patented)

-          and of course custom repos

So if somebody or some tutorial tells me to add the « universe » repo, I know 
instantly not to do that on a server or in a security-critical situation.

If it instead would tell me to install package x, which then installs 20 other 
packages, which then each install more packages – how do I even filter that 
information if I have per-package metadata ?  I wouldn’t even use metadata for 
that, because something might run on Linux, but not on your specific version, 
for example ARM processor on Linux Chromebook. You’ll have to subdivide by 
processor for binaries.  Plugins can depend on other plugins.

It might be even better to have 5 repositories:
All-platforms, Windows-only, Linux-Only, Mac-Only, Rest-of-the-world
So if your plugin works on Windows and Linux, you just upload it to the 2 
repositories, and finished.

If somebody then tells me to add a „windows only“ plugin, I know to steer clear 
of that shit if I use Linux, and vice-versa.
And that without having to lookup metadata.

Von: C Hamilton []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2019 17:02
An: Stefan Steiger <>
Cc: Martin Dobias <>; Paolo Cavallini 
<>; qgis-dev <>
Betreff: Re: [QGIS-Developer] Windows only version of a QGIS 2.18x plugin

I have been following this interesting discussion and thought I would make a 
couple of comments. I understand the different views people have. Ideally it 
would be nice for all plugins to work on all platforms, but I can see the 
benefit from certain plugins accessing external libraries that are not 
available on all platforms. I have considered doing this myself in accessing 
some of the excellent astronomical packages on Windows, but have been concerned 
that I could no post the plugin in the official repo. Yes you can set up a 
separate repo, but it makes it very difficult for the plugin to be found and it 
would not be worth it to me to put in the effort to have it not be officially 
recognized and be discoverable.

I personally think it is important that there be some mechanism for people to 
publish plugins that have platform dependencies. Ideally, they would first try 
to find alternative solutions before making the decision to link to platform 
specific resources, but some very important capabilities will require this. I 
wouldn't want to discourage developers by insisting that all plugins must work 
on all platforms.

I am not sure that having two separate repositories is the best approach 
either. I don't think that a separate repo should be classified as 'dirty', 
etc. I would think that this could be addressed by the metadata associated with 
the plugin.


On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 10:36 AM Stefan Steiger 
<<>> wrote:

Is it not possible to create two official repositories ?
One for "all-platforms", one for "dirty/fishy/phony/dubious/in-progress"

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: QGIS-Developer 
 Im Auftrag von Martin Dobias
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2019 15:50
An: Paolo Cavallini <<>>
Cc: qgis-dev 
Betreff: Re: [QGIS-Developer] Windows only version of a QGIS 2.18x plugin

On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 12:04 PM Paolo Cavallini 
<<>> wrote:
> On 06/02/19 09:42, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> > If you prefer to put it in QGIS repo: just add a big note in the
> > metadata.txt description that this plugin is only usable with vesper
> > and windows. And maybe do an OS check in the __init__ for illiterate
> > users ;-)
> I respectfully disagree with that: at the very core of the QGIS
> project it stands the idea of letting everybody use the best possible
> GIS, without discrimination. This kind of approach would in fact
> favour Windows users.

My preference would be to keep the official QGIS plugin repo more open and 
allow plugins that do not support all QGIS platforms. Often there are useful 
tools that are only available for one platform and plugin author does not have 
power to change that. But we should not make life of users on the supported 
platform more complicated just because other platforms cannot be supported.

As it was suggested already, if there would be a larger amount of plugins that 
are not multi-platform, we could have a piece of metadata so that users on 
other platforms could be warned.

For example, Crayfish plugin for QGIS 2.x did not support macOS - it was a 
known limitation and it would be sad if the plugin would be rejected from the 
official QGIS plugin repo just because of that.

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