Hi Nyall,
That's basically what we have now. When a grid is desirable (and not
installed) you get a warning in the message bar, which you can click
to open a dialog which explains the situation and provides a download
link, and a button to "install" (copy to the right place) the
downloaded file.

The only extra steps we could do to improve this would be:
- Avoid the "click to download in your browser" link, and instead have
a button which downloads in the background of QGIS itself and
auto-installs after download
- Take it another step further, and just immediately trigger the
download task when we first show that warning
I would be in favor of this option
- Avoid all these issues and download EVERYTHING for EVERYWHERE at
first startup ;)

Isn't that potentially a quite large amount of data? Most QGIS users that I know mainly work in one country or region and only need one gridshift file. Of course there are exceptions.



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