On 5/28/20 2:18 PM, Bernd Vogelgesang wrote:
> Wow,
> thanx a lot!
> Umh, just reading https://github.com/flathub/org.qgis.qgis
> Seems I can just reinstall the flatpak with the needed module
> |flatpak run --command=pip3 org.qgis.qgis install scipy --user Will give
> it a try! Cheers, Bernd |

Ah, YES, that is it. Apparently without the --user it flatpak will try
to install it in the non-user space of it's environment.
So THAT works:

flatpak run --command=pip3 org.qgis.qgis install urllib3 --user

Then I was able to download "Distant measurement styles" successfully!

Thanks! Will add it to the docs


Richard Duivenvoorde
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