On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 12:05 PM Martin Dobias <wonder...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Andreas
> Thanks for the overview of the financial side of things. Regarding budget
> allocation it would make sense to me to reduce bug-fixing and grants budget
> and increase the spending on reviews. In my opinion both bug-fixing and
> grants need some improvements anyway to bring more value to QGIS project,
> but that's for a separate discussion (e.g. more focus on high priority
> bugs, better voting system for grants to consider relevance/impact +
> proposal quality + cost).

Yeah, we can certainly discuss how to improve both processes but, if I
mostly agree with you about the grants I believe that the bugfixing budget
should not be reduced (perhaps increased) and that being able to focus on
QGIS bugfixing for a given number of days really makes a difference.

> Speaking of myself, I would be happy to join the paid reviews efforts to
> lower the fatigue of reviewers. And I hope it would attract some other QGIS
> devs to join as well...
That would be awesome, thank you!


Alessandro Pasotti
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