On Tue, Oct 05, 2021 at 10:30:57AM +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:

> I might have found a possible (although not very easy) way to bridge
> that to an invite-only IRC channel. To try that we would need to
> temporarely set the matrix room as public, then setup the bridge and
> then toggle back to invite-only. It takes a room administrator to
> do that, but as I left the room I'm unable to re-join (invites are
> not sticking?).
> Could anyone re-invite me for testing this ?

I got the invite and was able to set things up, so now the
invite-only Matrix room - aliased as #qgis.dev:osgeo.org -
is bridged to the invite-only IRC channel #qgis-private on
libera.chat network.

People who don't want/can't use Matrix but want to partecipate
via IRC can do so by obtaining an invitation (/invite <nickname>)
which is lost after leaving the channel or by obtaining a permanent
invitation excempt, for which I recommend only trusting *registered*
IRC users. Adding an excempt (example: /mode #qgis-private +I $a:jef )

The current list of registered Libera IRC users who have access
to the channel is: jef, strk, duiv. Anyone else wanting to use IRC
please just ask (maybe on the public channel). How to decide whether
to grant invites - though - is still not clear to me :)

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