Hi  AF,

you can always query objects for their type with type(objectname) or even access their documentation in an interactive interpreter session with help(objectname). Then you know what methods and attributes they expose or which Qt documentation page is matching whatever object you are handling.

Be aware that pages like https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstatusbar.html only list the "direct" members and that the objects might have already inherited others. For that you can click the "List of all members, including inherited members" link.

CaSe matters! Best use an IDE that helps you with autocompletion and inspection, this helps a lot when learning. For PyCharm all you need to do is select the python-qgis.bat file as interpreter and let it scan the Python modules for a while.

When googling for QGIS Python classes, make sure you are reading up-to-date documentation matching your QGIS version, e. g. https://qgis.org/pyqgis/3.28/gui/QgisInterface.html

Cheers, Hannes

Am 12.12.22 um 01:42 schrieb afernandez via QGIS-Developer:
Hi Nyall,
Obviously I'm not an expert in Qt/QGIS (only been using it for a few weeks) and still have many things to learn. Most of the code works fine (by staying away from very complex structures) and styling widgets has been no problem until now when trying to do anything with the statusBar. From your comment, I went back to the PyQGISDeveloperCookbook(v3.22) and snippets like     myicon = QIcon("/home/ubuntu/.local/share/QGIS/QGIS3/profiles/default/python/plugins/app/appicon.png")
iface.mainWindow().setWindowTitle("Tailoring QGIS")
had worked in the past. One problem has been to find specific documentation about iface.mainWindow().statusBar(), let alone examples and those online (e.g. https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/210327/how-to-display-qgis-processing-bar-from-a-plugin) kind of suggests that my initial snippet could work. I'll continue reading the cookbook tomorrow but, in the meantime, is there any other documentation discussing iface in general or iface.mainWindow().statusBar() that I should also be reading? (Note: I also checked https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstatusbar.html)
P.S. Again sorry about the extra messages that shouldn't have been sent to the thread (hopefully it won't happen again)

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