Hey AF,

oh, looks like the help() for those Qt objects is not as comprehensive as I hoped.

>>> type(iface.mainWindow().statusBar())
<class 'PyQt5.QtWidgets.QStatusBar'>

https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstatusbar.html ->
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstatusbar-members.html ->

>>> iface.mainWindow().statusBar().setStyleSheet("background-color:red;")

Now my status bar is red.

No idea about fonts...

Have fun!

Am 13.12.22 um 03:40 schrieb afernandez:
Hello Johannes,
Querying was how I found the method self.iface.mainWindow().statusBar().styleSheet() along with many others. I circled back and tried to use 'help' to figure out what I was missing. However, help for self.iface.mainWindow().statusBar().styleSheet() only tells me that styleSheet is a method of the self.iface.mainWindow.statusBar instance that returns a string. I also explored another method self.iface.mainWindow().statusBar().setFont(), which is supposed to take a QFont, but I still haven't been able to make it work properly either. The bottom line is that I can add widgets to the statusBar and style them, but even changing the font type for the whole statusBar remains elusive. At least this route allows me to move on with the project while I figure out all the other details.

Johannes Kröger / GIS-Entwickler/-Berater

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