Hi Antonio,

Il 13/02/2023 15:46, Antonio Locandro via QGIS-Developer ha scritto:
I am trying to use this on a script I am writing however I can’t seem to get what the syntax for the Qgs Vector should be, I was expecting just to put directly an angle but it is something else.

QgsVector(x: float, y: float)
See https://qgis.org/pyqgis/3.28/core/QgsVector.html#qgis.core.QgsVector

On the other hand in order to use this function I need to write completely QgsGeometryUtils.lineCircleIntersection is there a way to make this shorter on my script?

lineCircleIntersection = QgsGeometryUtils.lineCircleIntersection

Finally why some functions require QgsPointXY while others QgsPoint, beats me, just above this one is lineCircleIntersection that requires the use of PointXY

Probably because functions that use QgsPointXY only support 2D calculation.

Best regards.

Andrea Giudiceandrea
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