Dnia czwartek 10 lutego 2011 o 12:31:36 maning sambale napisaƂ(a):
> Nice! This one works even in the map composer.  

The main problem is rescaling. 

There's no simple way (yet) to restrict scale set to meet the tile scales. For 
display, you just see ugly rescaled image, what can be simply avoided - just 
do "zoom to best scale" (1pix=1pix) in the legend mouse menu and then only 
zoom with mouse wheel or +/- tools to keep always the 2x factor. This way you 
always fit into tile scale without rescaling. 

I haven't performed serious pritnting tests, but I expect one more problem: 
print resolution probably forces downloading tiles for greater or less zoom, 
as gdal consider TMS as a pyramid. You can try to fix it by setting the zoom 
level for the pyramid basis in <TileLevel> xml tag.

> But I get transparent
> salt and pepper effect for for very dark pixels.

Maybe it's an 8bit -> RGB conversion issue?
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