Am 31.07.2012 16:51, schrieb Zoltan Szecsei:
On 2012/07/31 16:30, Ralf Wessels wrote:
Andre is right - qgis (_like other gis systems too)_ cannot display
points, lines and polygons in one layer. It has to be either points or
lines or polygons. In a kml-file this is no problem.

The "like other gis systems" part of your statement is total hogwash.
You've obviously only been brought up on a diet of ShapeFiles.

To calm down:

It has some advantages to have different geometry types separately in different layers.

The GPX import in Qgis makes three different layers out of points, routes and tracks within the same file. It would be nice to implement this in kml import, if several geometry types are encountered in the same folder. This is far better than just throw away elements of other types.

Andre Joost

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