ArcGis refugee using QGIS 1.8.0-Lisboa on Windows 7 64 bit.

Trying to merge a quantity of (Ordnance Survey) height shapefiles & QGIS crashes.

I've read around and there seems to be a bug (http://hub.qgis.org/issues/5962) but the thread was marked as closed so I'm not sure what the situation is.

It seems that it will work if there are .prj files, so as a workaround I can create these.

As I've got loads of shapefiles, to define the .prj for each is not realistic (Vector>DataManagement Tools>Define Current Projection). I've looked for a bulk process to create these but without luck

Do I need prj files & if so, how can I create a load of them?

Jonathan Webb
Freelance GIS Specialist

07941 921905


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