the authentication usually in the wfs/wms systems is in the web server front-end.

On 29/09/2013 00:00, Antonio Vico wrote:
Hi all,

I am testing a "Qgis stack" for a project. I want use Qgis server for WMS and WFS services, Qgis desktop for digitalize data and Qgis web client for share.

To do this I use a postgresql/postgis backend and this is my architecture:

I store data in a postgresql/postgis database in a remote server with different users (and different privileges) that contains qgis server too. For share information I create a qgis project (mymap.qgs for example) that add several layers connecting directly to the database sharing fields that I want (with user and password according to the database) and put this qgis project to share in qgis server in a WFS service. (Direct connexion to the database in remote clients is not possible due the internet connexion speed and the amount of data).

Open remotely this wfs service from qgis desktop work fine: qgis desktop can connect remotely to the wfs service ( http:/myserver/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.cgi?map=/paht/to/mymap.qgs ) without problems and I can add/modify data in database, but there is my problem: Someone can connect to the wfs service (http:/myserver/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.cgi?map=/paht/to/mymap.qgs has not restriction) and acces to the data without any identification.

In qgis projects properties i can't find authentication propierties for WMS/WFS services and the question is

Can I put some authentication system in qgis server for wfs service?

If yes, how to?

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