Hi Voytek,

is the QWC on a publicly available server?
If no could you post the GetProjectSettings xml?

To further dig into you could check the GetMap request QWC issues (either with firebug or on apache's acces log)


Am 18.02.2014 07:43, schrieb Voytek Lapinski:
Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for the response. I have, yes.

Since my first email I have also tried to do it using a simpler project
as you suggest. It has only a single layer, using a shapefile. That
fails in the same way, after a successful GetProjectSettings.


On 18/02/14 17:33, Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
Hi Voytek,

have you configured your QWC (especially GlobalOption.js) as described
in https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Web-Client/blob/master/README ?
I would suggest to create a project with just one layer and get that


Am 18.02.2014 05:44, schrieb Voytek Lapinski:
Hi All,

I am experiencing a problem on a new ubuntu/apache installation of the
web client, where a project file is causing the web client to fail after
loading the layers, but before drawing a map.

The problem is similar to

, which I've worked through to no avail.

The GetProjectSettings call to the server from the web client seems to
work fine, and generates a valid looking result when I call it directly.
The web client shows the layers returned in the layer list sidebar, but
never generates a GetMap call. Am I right in thinking that this should
be the next step?

The last HTTP request from the webclient is to the googleapis
Authentication Service which seems strange as that map doesn't use
anything from Google. After that it just stays on the message 'Loading

There are no error messages in the apache log, apart from the following

Warning 1: Unable to find driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
environment variable.
Warning 1: Unable to find driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
environment variable.
Warning 1: Unable to find driver JP2ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
environment variable.
Warning 1: Unable to find driver ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
environment variable.
Warning 1: Unable to find driver JP2ECW to unload from GDAL_SKIP
environment variable.

Am I right in believing that that these shouldn't cause failure,

I am able to load the demonstration examples (HelloWorld and
NaturalEarth) in the web client with no issues, so am assuming it's
something to do with my particular project. The project itself loads
fine in QGIS on the desktop machine I created it on. The desktop and
server are both ubuntu 12.04, and are identical, from the point of view
of GIS system software. Qgis desktop and server is 2.0. Postgis is 2.1.
The web client is the most recent version from the git repository. All
the project layers are stored in local postgis databases (version 2.1 on
postgres 9.3) replicated on both machines exactly.

It seems like it should be something straightforward to do with the
project, but in the absence of any useful error or log messages, I don't
really know where to start.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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