Hello Tom,

Thanks for your note, sorry for the delay.

Yes, the v.transform seems to work as advertised. Thanks for clarifying which XY columns are for which file.  I want to do some more testing on some simple files just to confirm what is happening but it seems to be the correct tool for I'm trying to do.

I agree that adding vector capability to the GeoReferencer would be great.  I gather that some of these upgrades need to be funded somehow, not all of these features are free I guess.  I'm fine with that concept if we know they will work when finished.

The "missing dependency" problem seems to be persistent.  I think it tends to blight an otherwise marvelous collection of very powerful GIS tools.

        Thanks Tom, Cheers . . . . . . . . Spring Harrison

At 11-08-2015 01:17 Tuesday, Thomas Colley wrote:
Glad you’re making some progress. I must admit I didn’t know about the simplified/advanced views in the processing toolbox, it must have been by luck that I got into the advanced bit!
Have you had any luck with v.transform.pointsfile? Below is an example of the points text file that you’d need to feed it. The first 2 columns are the x,y of your unreferenced drawing and the second 2 are the x,y of the correct location. I used the coordinate capture plugin to get these points.
Hope this helps
# Linear transformation from XY to UTM coordinates:
# 4 maps corners defined
-0.236  31.702 273503.909        193355.703
50.880 48.355 273554.880        193372.500
90.121 20.842 273594.121        193344.697
38.861 4.190   273542.816        193328.027
P.S. It would be REALLY amazing if support could be added to the Georeferencer for vector layers. It seems that just provides a really nice interface for getting these same coordinate pairs.
I would have thought that it would be a simple thing to add vector support in there (big words from someone with no idea how to do it!) and would be massively useful for us at least.
From: Springfield Harrison [ mailto:stellar...@gmail.com]
Sent: 11 August 2015 07:28
To: Anita Graser
Cc: Nathan Woodrow; Alex Mandel; Thomas Colley; qgis-user
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Georeferencing Vector Files
Thanks Anita, that "hidden feature" was pointed out and it did the trick. As I mentioned earlier, the option may not be a bad idea, it just needs to be put at the top and made more obvious.

              Thanks again, Cheers . . . . . . . . Spring Harrison

At 10-08-2015 23:23 Monday, Anita Graser wrote:

Most likely the algorithm is hidden by the simplified interface. Change to advanced using the drop down in the bottom of the toolbox.

And yes, we are already discussing if this interface option makes sense.

Best wishes
Hey Yourself,

        Very interesting, this is what I get, bugger all:


        So what accounts for the difference? Some installation quirk no doubt. I did select GRASS as an installation option. In 2.8.3 it was listed under plug-ins, but under 2.10.1 is no longer there. But it was installed as a standalone.

        Consistency does not seem to be a strong point here.

                I do appreciate the help however, I'm sure there is an answer somewhere, Cheers . . . . . . . . Spring Harrison

At 10-08-2015 22:10 Monday, Nathan Woodrow wrote:


Did you do a search in the top part of the dock:

Inline image 1  

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