Hello All,

I have been opening QGIS shapefiles in Manifold GIS and noticed that they bear very little resemblance to the same file in QGIS, in some cases. When I then saved that file in QGIS as a different file, and opened it in Manifold GIS, all the features were present and arranged as expected.

On another occasion, it looked like previously deleted polygons were visible when opened in Manifold GIS.

And, in another instance, when attempting in QGIS to create a polygon, that failed. Instead, portions of old, deleted polygons were reactivated instead! What is going on here? This does not look like trustworthy behavior.

I tried using SpatiaLite files instead of shapefiles, but there edit and feature creation failed outright.

I believe this has been dealt with earlier; could someone point me to the discussion? I did a brief search but could not find the relevant posts.

                Thanks very much, Cheers . . . . . . . . Spring Harrison


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