
Thank you for such a comprehensive reply. I will certainly look at the work being done for QGIS 3.0 and see if I am able to support it.



On 06/07/16 14:16, Neumann, Andreas wrote:

Hi Martin,

Unfortunately, what you want, is not possible currently. The only thing you can do is to place the dynamic elements (e.g. attribute table) last in your layout and let it flow over several pages. All the static stuff needs to be placed first.

For QGIS 3.0, Nyall Dawson, will do a rewrite/redesign of the QGIS print composer. There will be an additional "reporting mode" to allow such things you want to do (page flow, place items relative to other items, etc.). See his website for more details: - he will update it soon, after the release of QGIS 2.16. If you are interested in such functionality, and have some financial resources, we would very much welcome if you could join this crowd-funding effort, once, more information will be available. Caveat: you will have to wait until the 3.x releases, which will be in Feb/March 2017 at the earliest (no gurarantees).

Until then, your only chance to get something similar is to put everything in a dynamic HTML code and let it flow over multiple pages. QGIS 2.16 comes with an improvement to allow working with table relations. This change makes the current atlas feature (and additionally all attributes of related child features) available to the source of a composer HTML item, allowing the item to dynamically adjust its rendered HTML in response to the feature's properties. An example use case is dynamically populating a HTML table with all the attributes of related child features for the atlas feature. To use this, the HTML source must implement a "setFeature(feature)" JavaScript function. This function is called whenever the atlas feature changes, and is passed the atlas feature (and all related attributes) as a GeoJSON Feature.

Sorry that I don't have better news - but at least the issue is known, devs are aware of it and will propose solutions for QGIS 3.0.


On 2016-07-06 14:51, Martin Stubbs wrote:


Thank you for your thoughts. Unfortunately the approach you suggest would not allow the tables to move up or down the page as objects are added or deleted from the maps in a dynamic way. I could add x and y fields for each attribute table to my Atlas control layer but I would need to update them every time new records were added. My document has 50 pages of maps so I was hoping for a solution that would use the position and size overides you describe but in a dynamic way.



On 06/07/16 11:35, Richard McDonnell wrote:
You can specify the position and size of the table?tables using attributes, you could set up an x and y column on your tables which you could use the *Data defined Overide* options to set your location this is under *Attribute Table, Item Options, Position and Size *on the composer.
Might be a solution for you!


On 05/07/2016 11:46, Martin Stubbs wrote:

I am producing a multi page document using the atlas function in print composer. I have pairs of pages with a map on the left side and 4 attribute tables on the facing page showing details of 4 different objects on the map. For each pair of pages there are a variable number of objects shown of each type. Each object is fetch from its own postgis table as the fields stored for each object is different.

At the moment I have the attribute tables defined to handle the largest number of items found on the map but this means, on some pages, there are large gaps before the next table starts. Would it be possible to have a variable exported from an attribute table that could be used to position the next table a suitable distance apart?

Thanks for the help

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