On 15-07-16 10:13, Mats Elfström wrote:
> Hi!
> I made this offer a couple of months ago, but it probably got buried in
> the thread because no one has responded. I still think it would be good
> for the QGIS community to get updated and working installation
> instructions for QGIS Server, and this is my contribution.
> Background
> To my knowledge, there is no current, official and validated
> installation and configuration manual for QGIS server on Windows 2012
> server.
> Offer of sponsoring.
> I hereby offer unlimited admin access to a Windows 2012 R2 server in the
> cloud, to install QGIS and QGIS Server, configure it and publish one
> QGIS project, and document and publish reproduceable step by
> step-instructions for this platform.
> Admin access will be granted for a reasonable time, to anyone in the
> QGIS community who wants to do this, and has sufficient QGIS and Windows
> experience. I will decide who gets access, and will monitor and follow
> up on the process.
> The resulting documentation will of course be offered as part of the
> QGIS Server manual.
> The candidate may select which web server to use, even if I would prefer
> IIS.
> The candidate may also select the kind of data source for the published
> WMS service.
> I will provide one vanilla Windows 2012 server cloud machine for a
> reasonable period of time.

Hi Mats,

Thanks for your offer.

I hereby forward your email to the PSC, who is in charge of reacting on
these kind of requests... there is just too much communication going on
to see everything...

But in general: it's not hardware that is a 'problem'. It is
volunteership of people, who want to invest their time to dive into the
specifics of Windows 2012 R2 and IIS in combi with QGIS Server, and keep
that information up to date...

Note, we have:

And http://demo.qgis.org/ which runs QGIS-Server in docker containers

We could setup something like that on your server too?

So personally speaking: it is best if you provide (also) man-hours to do
the Windows administration.

BUT if there is somebody listening who wants to offer "Windows time or

Please let us or Mats know!


Richard Duivenvoorde

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