Hi Jonathan,
I see paying plans and a free plan for private or non profit uses. Given
that QGIS is used for any kind of work, I don't think embeding their SVG is
covered by the available plans. That would break their economic model
wouldn't it?
Maybe you can contact them to see if this is possible?

Another issue to be taken into account is that the package size for Windows
has already reached the limits of the NSIS installer because of the
proj-data grids. That means we need to provide a different way to install
those additional resources. Resource sharing plugin does it nicely I think
but is not enough advertised. Let's spread the word about it!

Best regards

Le sam. 25 juil. 2020 à 22:12, Jonathan Moules <jonathan-li...@lightpear.com>
a écrit :

> Hi List,
> Following from the discussion about ESRI Fonts on the OSGeo list, I got
> to wondering... could QGIS include the Font Awesome symbols -
> https://fontawesome.com/icons ?
> It's not actually a font but a huge set of SVG's - 1,150 in fact
> (excludes the "brand" icons, which QGIS wouldn't want), most of which
> are pertinent to mapping.
> The License is "GPL friendly" -
> https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/LICENSE.txt.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
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