On 7/26/20 9:57 AM, Régis Haubourg wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> I see paying plans and a free plan for private or non profit uses. Given that 
> QGIS is used for any kind of work, I don't think embeding their SVG is 
> covered by the available plans. That would break their economic model 
> wouldn't it? 
> Maybe you can contact them to see if this is possible?
> Another issue to be taken into account is that the package size for Windows 
> has already reached the limits of the NSIS installer because of the proj-data 
> grids. That means we need to provide a different way to install those 
> additional resources. Resource sharing plugin does it nicely I think but is 
> not enough advertised. Let's spread the word about it!

I second Regis plan: if someone forks (or even clones) the github repo, and 
creates a simple script to morph it a little to resemble the structure you need 
for the 'QGIS Resource Sharing' Plugin to work (see [0] as simple example and 
[1] for the nice documentation of it), the icons are one click away for users 
(plus another one to install the plugin).

And the more proper Resource set's we are having, the better our style/icon 
resources will get.


Richard Duivenvoorde

[0] https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/qgis-styles/
[1] https://qgis-contribution.github.io/QGIS-ResourceSharing/

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