Thanks Chris, I really appreciate the response.
Sure sounds like an area that could use some improvement.
I suspect there is a good reason why Linux Mint (LM) 19.3
cannot be called bionic instead of tricia.  So first question
is how do I cross reference names and numbers (i.e. Ubuntu
bionic = 18.04).  I did some looking.  Is LXR needed for that?
I also went into 'Release' and 'InRelease' on that website, but
could not cross reference bionic to 18.04.

Second question is how do I cross reference between Ubuntu and LM?
i.e. LM 19.3 tricia is based on Ubuntu 18.04 bionic.

I'm still looking.  I will report this if I find it.


On 12/1/20 11:03 PM, chris hermansen wrote:

If you go look in you will see the following Debian and Ubuntu dists supported:

bionic/  22-Nov-2020 18:36 -
buster/  23-Nov-2020 05:01 -
cosmic/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
disco/   08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
eoan/    24-Oct-2020 12:08 -
focal/   22-Nov-2020 22:37 -
groovy/  23-Nov-2020 00:15 -
jessie/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
precise/ 08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
stretch/ 08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
trusty/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -
unstable/ 23-Nov-2020 09:05 -
xenial/  08-Aug-2020 20:57 -

As far as Ubuntu goes, bionic = 18.04, cosmic = 18.10, disco = 19.04, eoan = 19.10, focal = 20.04, groovy = 20.10, xenial = 16.04 and precise... wow that's 12.04 which has been unsupported since 2017.  Well anyway.

Not to mention the Debian users which have the selection of buster, jessie, stretch, trusty and unstable.

Not to mention the Mint users using Ulyana which is AFAIK based on Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)?

So probably hardcoding it to refer only to the Ubuntu 18.04 / bionic distro and thereby also satisfying the Mint folks on tricia would cause a lot of surprise to quite a lot of users.

Also please remember that there are lots of other Ubuntu (and Debian) derivative distros that can likely use the appropriate Ubuntu distro.
Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

C'est ma façon de parler.

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