Hi all,

I'm running QGIS 3.10 LTR on Windows 10.

My project has 6 .gpkg files connected, everyone of these has 14 layers
with points geometries, every layer counts about 16.000 features.

So my QGIS project manage about 1.344.000 points, not used at same time.

When i open this project, QGIS needs about 15 minutes for go ready.

Instead, if i store these points in separate .TXT files, QGIS needs only
few seconds for load layers and go ready. Also .shp layer format seems more
performant than .gpkg

It seems to me that they are not really efficient for these points layers.

Is this a my problem? Or there are some tricks i could use?

.gpkg are vacuumed regularly.

Best regards

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