Dear Markus, Andreas, and dear list, 

yesterday evening I saw Markus post, and planned to send a reply this morning 
because it was worth a second thought. 

I can understand Markus feelings, but I am, like the others, more on Andreas' 
side of opinion. I want to thank Markus for your courage to bring this topic to 
a discussion. It needs courage, and I appreciate both of your posts very much. 

Wishing peace for Ukraina, and a just and good peace at that. 

Greetings from Japan, 

> Am 24.02.2022 um 21:29 schrieb Andreas Neumann <>:
> Dear Markus,
> This is a really difficult topic that you raise here. While I agree that the 
> aggression from the Putin regime should be condemned, I am against excluding 
> Russian QGIS contributors and sustaining members. If we start excluding 
> countries and organizations on such assumptions - where do we draw the line? 
> The majority of today's world population unfortunately has to live in 
> problematic conditions, when it concerns democracy and dictators. Also - 
> where should be draw the line on what is ethical use of QGIS and what not? Is 
> oil exploration utilizing QGIS software allowed, as an example?
> As the current QGIS.ORG treasurer I can say that we had a sustaining member 
> from Russia last year - there is no indication that this company is 
> collaborating with the Putin government - though it is of course a bit hard 
> to judge - of course - for outsiders.
> The vast majority of the Russian population is probably suffering from 
> Putin's politics - my guess is that the majority of the Russian population 
> would like to live in peace and prosperity and not be involved in such war 
> and aggression. But do they have a real choice? Fair elections? I doubt it 
> ... In that sense I am against excluding Russian QGIS users and contributors 
> based on these events.
> We also have QGIS contributors from Ukraine who are now affected by this 
> aggression - let's be supportive when there could be Ukrainian refugees in 
> the coming months - and let's hope that this situation can soon be 
> deescalated.
> Greetings,
> Andreas
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2022 at 10:09, <> 
> wrote:
> Dear List,
> like all free people in the world I totally condemn the Russian invasion in 
> Ukraine this morning. This is an attack on the free world and especially on 
> Europe and on all values of freedom which we all represent in a global, 
> peaceful open source community.
> - So, what can each individual do to defend this freedom? 
> - What can the QGIS community do?
> - How can we be sure, that the know-how we develop will not be used for 
> Russian military purposes against the Ukraine?
> The invasion was confirmed by the Duma, the Russian parliament which is the 
> representative body of the Russian people. Consequently the Russian 
> population bears responsibility for the invasion and we should led them know, 
> that military force against an independent, free and democratic European 
> country goes against all the values ​​we stand for in the open source 
> community.
> The least we can do is starting to think about a boycott of Russian products 
> and Russian co-operations to express our opinion to all Russian companies and 
> partners we know. Finally its up to the ordinary Russian man to change this 
> unbearable situation which is becoming a permanent threat to free Europe.   
> With this respect the QGIS developer community should also think about 
> excluding Russian partners and sponsors from all QGIS activities as long as 
> Russian troops are in the Ukraine. 
> I think, the values of freedom we stand for, is the highest good we must 
> defend!
> How do you think about it?
> Very concerned greeting.
> Markus Weidenbach
> Bühl/Germany
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