Hi All,

Looking at Protomaps [0], and see that it's tools are OpenSource, data from OSM data, and you should be able to host a 110Gb file via CDN as basemap.

Would it be an idea (doable) for us as QGIS Community to host/CDN this, make sure we can handle a couple of styles/themes very well and then add it to QGIS as base map ( EPSG:3857 only sorry :-) )?

OR would 'we' prefer to have vector tiles in 'proper' crs's?

Myself I'm looking for a proper WORLD-map with both English and Local labels/placenames (or easy switchable between those). And even downloading a 100Gb file and installing locally would be OK for me.

Others maybe had a look or better idea's?


Richard Duivenvoorde

[0] https://github.com/protomaps
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