Düster Horst escribió:

I published the Version 0.2 of the geoprocessing plugin. With this version you can use the internationalisation methods offered by QT and PyQT.

1. Add your language to geoprocessing.pro. Filename convention: geoprocessing_<first two letters of your locale name>.ts
2. Create a *.ts file with: pylupdate4 georpocessing.pro
3. translate with QT linguist
4. release with QT linguist

Enjoy the translated plugin.
I followed all above steps and put geoprocessing_es.qm into i18n folder, but when I load plugin it's still in English. What am I missing?

When you make translations please send the *.ts and *.qm files to me for integration into the plugin distribution.
Here you have them.

Attachment: geoprocessing_es.qm
Description: Binary data

Attachment: geoprocessing_es.ts
Description: application/linguist

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