P Witte wrote:

Robert Newson writes:

Im trying to get rid of my Tiscali account as Tiscali are obviously not
interested in my custom. Ive tried a few other ISPs, but they have so
far not proved reliable or decent - apart from Freeserve, now Wanado.

You must have a different definition of decent than I do.  About 60% of
the spam I get arrives from WANADOO.fr hosted sites.

I think our definitions are the same; only our experiences differ. Ive had about 300 spams since March 15 (lucky me, some might say), virtually all of them addressed to somename.tiscali.co.uk, ie tiscali let them bombard me even without the correct address!

Most of my spam arrives at a freeserve email address that got harvested from usenet. The rest arrives at spurious userids at the same domain.

The amount of spam arrives has a kind of exponential growth:

          in    year
        Month  Total
           32     32 - Jan 2003         .      . - Jan 2004 ) Lost data, inc
           58     91 - Feb 2003         .      . - Feb 2004 )   Mar 01-20.
          143    234 - Mar 2003      1213   1213 - Mar 2004 (21-31)
          254    488 - Apr 2003      3915   5128 - Apr 2004
          365    853 - May 2003      4406   9534 - May 2004 (01-29)
          316   1169 - Jun 2003
          540   1709 - Jul 2003
          482   2191 - Aug 2003
          676   2867 - Sep 2003
         1274   4171 - Oct 2003
         2168   6309 - Nov 2003
         2316   8625 - Dec 2003

Ive had my freeserve address for a couple of years now, and it isnt hard to
come by on the internet, yet I get no more than about one spam per week via
my PAYG account with them, mainly "legitimate" service announcements
from freeserve/wanadoo.

I got my freeserve acct in 2001. spam to it is via usenet eaddr harvesting. Really stupid thing is, as I pointed out, about 60% of the spam that it receives is spamvertising sites hosted by sibling company WANADOO.fr. If that sibling company was to deal with these 141 unique sites, that would have been 4,139 less emails that I alone would have received (between 21 Mar & 29 May - a period of just over 3 months) - I'm sure I'm not the only one on that spammers' list. The ironic thing is that it is a sibling company and they don't seem to be able to do owt about them: their sibling company's inactivity/lack of due care is flooding their mail servers with spam.

Ive no idea where the spam comes from, as I dont bother to find out anymore
since theres precious little I can do about it. The only thing that concerns
me is which mailbox they arrive in.

Ditto...my program just spots WANADOO.fr for the simple reason that when I was moaning about the spam, I noticed too much of a recurrance of WANADOO.fr

that I decided to see how much they were generating.

Ive previously written about the devious tricks I suspect tiscali of using
to bump up their revenue at my expense. Forcing me to download all that
rubbish is, I must assume, just another of their little ploys. Bah!

Although I use freeserve mailboxes, I actually connect via another ISP - just once a month I dial-into freeserve to keep the mailboxes active.

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