----- Original Message ----- 
From: "gwicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Software - was how to get QL2K

hello Geoff,

I must admit you are probably right: there is very little commercial
potential left for the QL today in the "for purpose" market - (which was
already the case soon after its launch because of a wrong marketing
strategy) - as far as it goes for using it as a "work horse".

That is by the way a good comparison: Horses should  have faded completely
away from our world since the car started its triumphal procession into our
modern age. However that did not happen. They are still around, less in
number of course, and their today's owners do for certain not belong to the
On a website dedicated to sinclair's C5 vehicle I recently read a statement
that it was probably Sinclair's failure not to market the C5 as a mean of
recreation (because it is sooo much fun) from the start on but as a vehicle
for work traffic.

As far as it goes "for purpose" our today's world is completely dominated by
products that were pushed in by perfect marketing (the so often blamed IBM
PC, Microsoft Windows etc). They even work well, no doubt, but they are
neither fascinating nor an intellectual challenge.

Especially with Windows you have Megabytes of Software just to make your
Computer run - almost no chance for a hobby user to even get started
understanding the concepts. Although I must admit VB and VBA have something,
forgive me - or not - for that statement.
I think the QL and its operating system can be really attracting for a
certain target group that wants to learn a bit about modern (YES: I said
MODERN) concepts for operating systems.

In addition the Motorola 68000 is an ideal system to play with - I really
wonder why 'up to date' hardware systems, such as Sony's PSII have
completely left that path of being friendly to the programmer...

And what I wanna say on behalf of QLAY: no matter what anyone else says - it
is a great software for experimenting purposes, it runs 68K machine code -
isn't that breathtaking enough for a freeware (I know this is build upon
UAE, but anyways) and even getting QLAYT to do what he/she wants can be an
experience of success for the user .

Finally I see the QL / QDOS still as an amazing conceptual thing. And that
is maybe its only cmmercial chance.



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