On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 00:05:29 +0100, David Tubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dilwyn & Roy

Thanks both for the feedback, digestive problems.

I did RTFM, before trying to format, the command "WIN_FORMAT 1" is unknown to my version.

However, I did explore the code in a hex editor and noticed a few spelling mistakes in the clear ASCII words - corruption ??

Used other configured versions to find 2 out of 4 working. Am getting WIN2 and more, sadly it wont work on a USB memcard reader, which appears as H:\ drive - might have been useful !

I tried something similar with my QXL (of course it runs SMSQ/e v.3.x) and I didn't have any problems... I could upgrade you if you like (or anyother SMSQ/e vendor for that matter plus you'll get fancy colours :-)

I did have ./_ trouble with an old QXL_WIN that had been in QLAY.

QLAY doesn't recognize QXL.WIN files...

I must look into the emulators as the QXL is box bound.

Dilwyn - although I know there is a v2.76 which was made for the mark 2 QXL
(the slightly faster clocked QXL2), I don't know if this would also work on
a QXL1 (I could send you a zipped copy to try I suppose).

Yes it does just fine. I have both (plus my QXL2 is waaaayyyy overclocked thanks to Nasta and all versions work great).

If you would be so kind, and if you can make it zipped in PC style, I got in a terrible muddle long ago with QL type zips.

What I chiefly wish to do is to work on manipulating some large text files with some home cooked SBASIC, any ideas on how to get them into QXL.

Can PC & QXL "multitask" ? Pass from COM1 to SER2 ? or
from a laptop via LPT to PAR ?
Floppy disk spanning would be tiresome for 20Meg.

Thanks again


Yes they can but that is provided that you are running a pre-Windows ME OS on the PC side. It will be faster however to use QLTOOLS to copy directly into the QXL.WIN side of things or if you have floppies to use M-TOOLS that copies files from PC and QL disks like lightning :-) about 300-400% faster than SMSQ/e's copying routines

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