> > QLiberator had two authors and one, whom I believe has the only copies of
> > the code, has "disappeared". (I put that in inverted commas as we amateur
> > genealogists have means of tracing people whether dead or alive)
> Surely someone on this list must know the name of the 'disappeared' man?
Ian Stewart was the "marketing" man, and Adrian Soundy or Sundy (forgot how to spell 
the surname) who did most of the coding. Can be checked via QL World old copies if 
anyone has the patience.

> > There is an upgraded version of EasyPtr and very good it is too. The
> > problem is that Albin Hessler is the author and Marcel the upgrader for 
> > his own use. Everyone wants to respect copyright in this case, but no 
> > one knows what the legal position is. Hence the upgrade cannot be 
> > distributed.
> Not even to those who legally hold the original, d'you think?
Would be nice to think that the legitimate resellers (Roy and Jochen and anyone else 
allowed ot sell it) could contact Albin Hessler to try to allow distribution of the 
update, or at the very least make the source code available to someone like Marcel or 
Rich Mellor who might be interested in updating and breathing new life into it!

Dilwyn Jones

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