----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Kemmett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Perfection

> Im not quite sure if that was a sarcastic aside?? I thought it was a
> observation. It seems to me that the "QL WORLD" is getting too elitist and
> forgetting the bottom of the heap, you know, the ordinary users.

Brian I can feel your frustration, but I not sure what you are talking about
is elitism. I think it is just plain, damned inefficiency and muddle. Put
another way the one thing you should never do in this life is to ask any
QL-er to run a piss up in a brewery.

As I remember rightly Freddie V gave permission to Mark Knight to upgrade
and then release Perfection as public domain. However the upgrade was never
finished and formally released, so that some of us are in the frustrating
position of having a copy of the upgrade because we were beta testers but
not able to give this to some one else. What we lack in the QL world is the
ability to sort out muddles like this.

A more recent case is EasyPtr. You cannot use this with the new colours.
Marcel quickly wrote a fix, which allows you to program EasyPtr using the
new colours. Albin, the original author, is no longer active in the QL
World, but as I understand it, still has a lot of sympathy for the QL. There
is a tricky point that Albin is the copyright holder, but Marcel has done
extra work. How do you sort this out if you charge for the upgrade? (And in
my opinion the quality of the upgrade is such that a charge would be
reasonable.) There is a precedent for this in the Text87 upgrade, which
given the personalities involved, was a much more delicate situation. Given
the goodwill that there is on all sides concerning EasyPtr I cannot see why
we are unable to resolve the problem.

As it is, it could develop rapidly into a Perfection style muddle. The new
version is in very limited circulation to people who are developing
programming in the new colours. As I am upgrading all Just Words! software I
did get an offer via via via that a copy of the new version could
accidentally come my way. I turned this down, because the right approach is
to solve the problem for all EasyPtr users.

So please don't go crawling after Mr. Gates in desparation! We need a few
more people like you to make us see sense,

Best wishes

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