I hate to distract from the financial side of this, but this is probably going to take a lot of work by someone(s) and I suspect that it needs to be for the love of doing it rather than expecting to get any money out of it. I personally would rather see Quanta (or otherwise) money spent on financing projects that have physical costs to them (IE: hardware, manufacturing, etc).

Also, I am still intending on developing a printer object for QDT sometime next year. QDT will not be selling for enough to pay additional fees for something like this. So if it was developed by someone and then charged for, I would likely have to do something independent for QDT.

By the way, it sounds like this is definitely an important project so please don't take my comments otherwise.


On Nov 23, 2004, at 1:09 PM, Rich Mellor wrote:

OK, I have now had the chance to digest the wealth of emails on this subject.

What we need is a definitive document which will set out the bare bones of how this system will work.
I would be willing to put this together based on the earlier emails - if you want to be part of the design process, then let me know and I will forward the draft document for comments.

Once we have agreed on the specification, we then need to look for volunteers -

1) Person to write a new PFF device driver (failry simple)
2) Person to write the Printer THING
3) Person(s) to write the filters

I would also suggest that this is put forward as a project to Quanta and we ask them to finance the project - possibly a one off fee for development costs (£250 split equally between the developers)?? If need be, this could be done as a loan and the end product sold commercially akin to the situation with the Qx0 where Quanta get a share of each sale to repay the loan (not as if it would ever be repaid, unless we sold the program for £50 per copy).

Any comments on this?? Quanta comments would be also appreciated.

-- Rich Mellor RWAP Services 26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ


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