On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:13:22 +0000, David Tubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 12:04 24/11/2004 +0000, you wrote:

Somehow I doubt if the Proforma Filter will ever be written as those programmers who have enough knowledge to write the necessary device driver and THING, are either not around, or have better things to do.... Let's face it, not many people on this list have actually expressed interest in this program to provide any sort of incentive.

I mentioned re-cycle depots,some time ago .

Checked the local recently - they like £3 each,

Saw a couple of HP 690's, workhorse ! But no PSU's, a single voltage if one can find out what it is.

Several modest Cannon and an AppleWriter.

All untested ofcourse !!!!

QL-Users Mailing List

Trouble is finding a recycle depot which is near by - it is a risk taking stuff that is untested, but at £3 each...

There are no recycle depots that I can find anywhere near me - I would be willing to do the testing, but not much use getting printers to be sent here for testing and onward sale. I have spoken with a couple of recycling companies, but they just want to off-load large quantities of printers - not really a task for me as I haven't got the storage facilities, let alone the time for all the testing.

There is however, a fairly sizeable need for EPSON compatible printers which will accept text only output - don't forget, there are the Spectrum owners, DOS users, BBC users, and businesses with various machines which were designed for text only printers (to name but a few).

The problem is that there are 100s of models and generally people want to replace a printer with the same model, so that they know it will work with their ancient equipment. Therefore whatever models you keep in stock, you can guarantee that you will not have one which suits the customer.

There could be a potential business idea here in recycling old printers and making them available for sale, but not really something you could run from home, unless you have a very large storage shed available. The other option is to build up a network of people with second hand printers for sale (which is what I have tried to do) - however, there are very few businesses out there that do sell second hand printers - especially inkjets, because of the problem of ink spillage.

Anyone got a large storage facility going spare??

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
26 Oak Road, Shelfield, Walsall, West Midlands WS4 1RQ


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