----- Original Message ----- From: "Dilwyn Jones"
To: "QL Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 5:56 PM
Subject: [ql-users] QL Calendar

Any complaints about it being in non-QL format and I'll replace it
with a calendar with pictures of Tony Firshman, Rich Mellor, Jochen
Merz, Stuart Honeyball, Bill Richardson, Geoff Wicks, Darren Branagh,
John Mason, Roy Wood, Joachim van der Auwera, Tony Tebby and Phoebus
Dokos. You have been warned!

You are nearer the truth than you think.

When I met the Quanta committee in February I suggested to them that they should have photos of all the new committee in the first issue of the Quanta Magazine after the AGM. This was not carried out.

I did not tell the committee the full idea, which was to headline the page containing the photos "Page 3 Pinups". At the bottom of the page I would have added:

"And if you don't like our pinups, then just be grateful that there are not 12 members on the committee otherwise we might have produced the Quanta calendar"

Just image the committee members posing Women's Institute style with just a little bit of QL hardware to obscure the ... er...um...natural hardware.

Having now totally destroyed the reputation of the Quanta Committee, I should perhaps add that I was writing personally and not officially,

Best Wishes,

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