At 18:07 16/01/2005 +0000, you wrote:

Everyone seems to think that Manchester is built out of Scout Huts (or
Headquarters as we prefer to call them!)

We are already looking for a more prestigious venue for AGM 2006.

So the 2005 on the very edge of the country, almost as far away from as many members as possible.

Should make for a quiet AGM and for the swapping of hats.

You could start from the other end, where do members/users live ?
Select a location to suit them, the possible visitors rather than a clique.

But from a general point of convenience it would surely be Brum or London.

For whom is the "prestige" being sought ? Is it the 300 or so members, or the handful that responded to the "survey", what potential or likely attendance ?

Perhaps a Scout hut after all.

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