In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dilwyn Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
I seem to have got myself into a bit of a muddle. First, I manage to destroy a QL+RomDisq with a corrupt copy of smsq_gold 3.06 (revived with romd214_exe) and now I can't get 256 colour mode to work on the Aurora.
Is the same smsq-gold v3.06 used for 256 colour on Aurora or is there a separate version for Aurora? DISP_TYPE will change resolution on the Aurora/SGC (a MinisQL) but DISP_COLOUR 2 is ignored and configuring it to start in 256 colour mode seems to make it lock up at a black screen.
If a separate version is needed, fine, just thought that as both machines had Gold Card and SuperGold Card I thought I'd try the Gold Card version which seems to run as long as the Aurora stays in QL colour modes.
Not having the best of days today, the PC is behaving and the QLs ain't. Somewhat unuusal in this household.

Now now - SMSQ_Gold colour version is the right one for Aurora - but are you sure you have the colour version of SMSQ/e Dilwyn - here we go back to the moans that there is no way of telling one from the other...

Otherwise, you might need the guide on setting up the Aurora hardware for high colours which Phoebus put together.
No I am not certain. All I am certain of is that it's SMSQ_GOLD v3.06. It probably ain't the colours version as DISP_COLOUR 2 does nothing it seems.

Does DISP_COLOUR 3 work OK ?

Malcolm Cadman
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