Phoebus Dokos wrote:
> Hmmm I did not know that WIN_REMV applied to that situation as well (Is it
> in the QPC manual?)

Hey, you expect me to know my manuals? You're the user, you should
have read them and be able to tell whether it's in there or not ;-)

But actually, it is:

"When a drive is declared removable, the .WIN file is closed after all
SMSQ/E files on it are closed. This can also be used to allow a single
.WIN file to be shared over a network. (Files on a remote computer are
automatically set to be removable). As long as one instance of QPC has
open files on the drive, no other instance can access it."

Perhaps this is too technical for most people to follow, I have no
clue, but at least it's documented.

> Hmm then as I recently discovered this only applies if you share the same
> file between QPC and a non QPC emulator...

I don't think any other emulator can do this, yes.

> In any case though, I thought that Dilwyn wanted to run QPC directly
> from the server (but locally) and all of the copies running would
> access the one QXL.WIN file. How would that work?

Quite normally, I guess. But there will be problems when
a) two users trying to start QPC at the same instant (one will get a
"Cannot open SMSQE.BIN" or something like that).
b) two users trying to access the .WIN file at the same time.

> Ffibys


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