Ken Bain wrote:
> It should be possible to have different QPC setups on the same drive by
> having each in its own  copy of your QPC2  folder (suitably renamed)

In theory for different setups you just need different smsqe.bin
files. For example a smsqe-xyz.bin and then starting QPC using the
"-os smsqe-xyz.bin" option. To avoid using the command line one could
create a shortcut that contains the options.
But different directories is probably more straight forward to use
for most people.

If different boot configurations is the only thing you need:
determining on which PC you run can be done using the QPC_NETNAME$
function. Just using different configurations can be done using the
QPC_CMDLINE$ function and the corresponding command line parameter
"-cmdline xyz" (again can be done using a shortcut to the QPC2.EXE).

> But can you share files between multiple QCPs? I haven't tried this
> yet.

3 cases:

- Multiple QPCs point to the same QXL.WIN, but don't run at the same
time: no problem
- Multiple QPCs point to the same QXL.WIN and run at the same time,
but do not access the .WIN files at the same time: works if both are
told to share the file using "WIN_REMV x,1" (only needed if file is
local, not if it's on a network share).
- Multiple QPCs point to the same QXL.WIN, run at the same time and
both want to access files at the same time: works if the QXL.WIN file
is write protected.


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