On  Mon, 13 Jun 2005 at 21:13:20, extdgl42 wrote:

>I would've been interested in the monitor advertised here recently, if
>it were in
>the US. However I have a problem which a replacement monitor, whether
>an actual
>Sinclair or other (QLers here in Oak Ridge may make the Walterman
>adapter for using
>a non-Sinclair monitor) would only partly solve:
>A year ago, or whenever it was, the QL worked. The 3.5 drives didn't
>behave entirely
>right, wouldn't format a diskette e.g., but for the most part things worked.
>At some point I took the platform out of service--something to do with
>the 3.5's
>I believe, or maybe it was a guess of there being problems with the
>batteries. I
>eventually replaced both the square red battery on the SGC and three-
>layer battery
>on the end of the long wires "under the hood" off I believe it's the Minerva.
>When I finally fired the QL up again, the first time or two I got the
>whir from
>the microdrives, the one LED on the black box that still had juice lit
>I believe,
>the 3.5 drives had one LED come on & stay on (flp1_ I believe) and the other
>flickered on & off for quite some time.
>The monitor, an old Acorn RGB-III, always had a loose part (the knobs
>that stick
>out the front & their base) which had to be poked (with a pencil, certainly
>not a screwdriver!) to get it to come on. Eventually I had it on in one
>and got only black & white stripes overlaid with the message "QL ROM ...
>not recognized / Please contact Miracle Systems."
This does not tie up with your statement below about no LEDs lighting

This could well be a problem with Minerva.  You presumably removed
Minerva to replace the NiCad?
Havce you replaced it correctly?
Have you broken any of the pins?
>Phoebus said off-list this most likely was a problem between the SGC
>card and its
>socket--a bent pin and/or bad seating. So I popped the hood, saw no
>bent pins, and
>re-seated it. It seemed to jump into the socket.
More likely a problem with the ROM (Minerva).
>The monitor gave out; I substituted a monochrome I had, put the hood
>back, and fired
>up. Now there is no whir from the microdrives, no LED lighting on the
>black box,
If there is no LED lit on the QL, then you either have a dead power
supply or no 5V on the board.  The power LED is the left hand one.
Is that lit?  The leads for that are red to nearest to back of QL and
black in next socket.  Order of lack leads is not important.
>From back - red/black/white/black/grey

Your old monitor may well have zapped the 8301.

>no LEDs on the 3.5 drives, and again the "not recognized" message (the
>monitor does come up).
What do you mean by "The monitor does not come up"?
> The modem when turned on at this point does show the first
>two LEDs. The printer is live.
>So, Phoebus, while I can't say you were wrong, I don't know what _is_
>going on.
>I've never heard of these sorts of symptoms before.
> SGC, 4MB, 2 x 3.5, Falkenberg, Minerva, USR 14.4, Hermes, no HDD /
> Aurora / etc.--near/half original Black Box.
         QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:252/67) +44(0)1442-828255
          tony@<surname>.co.uk  http://firshman.co.uk
 Voice: +44(0)1442-828254  Fax: +44(0)1442-828255  Skype: tonyfirshman
     TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG

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    • ... Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)
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