Marcel Kilgus wrote:
> - is the stuff on download still broken or were all my fixes
> incorporated
The download was from Dilwyn's PE connection but even using the PE stuff  
that came with my latest Qpac2 update (1.42/Oct 03) I can't get a stable  
system running on my QL/Aurora. Qdos +Qpac2 is still needed sometimes  
because SMSQ/E doesn't handle my DD floppies properly on my ED drives.
(PG-2.01, WM-2.01, HR-2.29/Oct 04).

> - if nobody had reported any problems for months, as was the case in
> the past, nobody seems to use this stuff. So why bother at all?
I will concentrate on Suqcess for Eindhoven for now.

> That being said (unlike PTR_GEN) WMAN and HOT_REXT have a very
> portable code basis and should work fine, therefore problems with
> WM_INK and al are pretty strange. But when you're dealing with memory
> corruption (e.g.), basically anything goes.
The error is made by MWINDOW #ch%,item; ch% changes to the error code so  
when WM_PAPER gets a false channel number it's bingo!

Bob Spelten

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