John Gilpin wrote:

>     I successfully use Surgical Spirit (Obtainable from any chemist shop) 
> and a cotton bud to clear the jets on my HP printer. Alternatively, HP used 
> to provide strips of adhesive backed "velcro" type material which you stick 
> onto a "test page" provided using the software provided. It seems as though 
> the heads are cleaned by a "scrubbing" motion against the "velcro". - Sounds 
> as though it is ripping the printer to bits but the results are - so far - 
> 100% effective. Usually the surgical spirit and cotton bud is sufficient to 
> clean the jets and provide a satisfactory test page.

I attacked the jets directly (after removing head assembly) with iso-propyl 
alcohol (aka propan-2-ol) and cotton buds - the colour jets leeched 
wonderfully, the black steadfastly refused.

Out of interest...what is surgical spirit?

On retrying with setting the quality higher last night I seemed to get more 
of the black jets working for a short period before petering out.  Perhaps I 
just need to keep on trying, but as the printer keeps getting itself lost 
(wrt where the "head" is), I'm still in favour of scrapping it for a 

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