----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Malcolm Cadman"
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Quill to PDF convertor ?

> It can't be that difficult ... I have a freeware program on RISC OS
> called appropriately enough "AntiWord".  Which takes any M$ Word file
> and converts it in to plain text or HTML.
> Very useful it has proved to be.
> It seems to cope with any version of a Word.doc too.
> Anyway, with QPC2 it is easy to copy over a Quill_doc into a Quill.doc
> or a plain text file to the DOS C: Drive, and import it in to M$ Word.
> The version of M$ Word that I have, dated 2002, has a file converter
> that requests how to treat imported formats.

It is fairly easy to transfer text between different word processors 
including between PC and QL ones. However not everyone is disciplined and a 
lot of PC users just assume that everyone can read Word files and import 
them into other programs.

If a Word.doc contains graphics or unusual formatting such as columns, these 
can be quite difficult to import into other (even PC) programs.

Dare I say it, but one of the worst offenders was Quanta who seem to have a 
love affair with MS Word - the committee must sleep with a copy of it under 
their pillows.  We have embarked on a program of re-education, some of us by 
gentle persuasion and others by brute force,

Best Wishes,


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