Op Sun, 24 Sep 2006 17:23:14 +0200 schreef Dilwyn Jones  

> In terms of platform, the (Super) Gold Card is common to the QL and
> Aurora, which blurs the lines a little. In terms of obtaining a
> version of SMSQ/E for your system,

When the Aurora came out there was a patch program to link the graphics  
driver into the then current version of SMSQ/E but very soon the new  
versions of SMSQ_GOLD included this driver.
So only one version is needed for QL and Aurora with GC or SGC.
But only Aurora & SGC will exploit the higher resolutions.
According to the Aurora manual the GC can only be used in the standard  

This will bring down the number of OS's a bit.

Now A Question.
When running SMSQ/E on a QXL in high colour mode, this takes up a lot of  
extra memory and is very slow in screen operations. The Aurora suffers  
less from this compared to running in mode 4.
Would a QXL mode 256 option give back some memory and speed?


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