
> On another note - having mentioned that I'd be willing to try and port
> SMSQ to the Amiga I decided to download the source today and have a look
> at it. Thinking that it'd be a good idea to build it for the existing
> hardware first so that I can experiment. I then find that without yet
> again spending money I can't do this - I either need to buy QMAC or I
> need to use GWASS (not that there is any available information on how to
> do it with GWASS that was another QL Today article that I haven't got) -
> Unfortunately GWASS requires a 68020 or better which I don't have. Yet
> again - someone who's interested in doing some good for the QL hits a
> brick wall.

I do not know if GWASL can be used to assemble the sources - George?

However, if you put a business case to Quanta to ask for a copy of QMAC in  
support of porting SMSQ/e to the Amiga, I am sure they will be more than  
willing to listen.

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

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