Roy Wood wrote:
> There are a lot of books on programming the QL in Assembler, BASIC 
> and C
> (although not the modern version) and many of these are available, 
> 2nd
> hand, from QUANTA, TF Services, Rich Mellor etc. These all stop 
> short of
> the modern system but would provide a grounding in the system.
As far as C programmers are concerned, C68 is the way to go on the QL. 
There is a wealth of C programming tools if you know where to go and 
what to look for:

1. There's a whole page on free C stuff on my website
2. CPTR from George Gwilt is one example
3. There are various C libraries available on the PD scene.
4. There's a C library for QMenu from Jonathan Hudson or Christopher 
Cave (or possibly both of them, I forget which)
5. I think Tony Tebby did a C library for QPTR at some point
6. Easyptr has a C library on disk 3 of the original Easyptr, though I 
don't think it got updated when Marcel reworked version 4.
7. There's a C Tutorial available in PD, it's on the C page on my 

Just a few quick examples, there's a lot more.

> True, many articles in QL Today which demonstrate programming 
> techniques
> etc. are scattered throughout it's 11 volumes. I believe that all of
> these still exist in electronic form so maybe there is  some 
> possible
> mileage in gathering all of the articles of each series together and
> either printing them off as a single volume or putting them on a CD 
> as
> PDF files. I have no idea how much work this would be but it would 
> be
> work so there would have to be a charge. Nevertheless it would be
> worthwhile if it got some people writing software again.
If there are specific articles, I'll have a look from my backups of 
material from my editor days which haven't been thrown yet, in case I 
have copies of anything needed - I'll hold on to them for now.

Dilwyn Jones

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